Is VA Disability Compensation Retroactive?

Is VA Disability Compensation Retroactive?

VA Disability Compensation Attorneys Kalamazoo, MIThe U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs often takes months or even years to process claims. This is because they have a backlog of VA disability claims they haven’t yet processed. If you’re waiting for your verdict, remember that VA disability compensation can be retroactive.

This means that the VA pays the full amount of benefits you’re owed from the effective date of the claim. Yet, getting the full benefits you deserve may mean you need to hire one of our VA lawyers in Kalamazoo, MI.

Disability Compensation

Retroactive or back pay refers to the VA disability compensation you’re owed. Continue reading to learn what you can expect in the upcoming months. We’ll also tell you how our VA disability lawyers can help if you need to file an appeal.

Effective Dates

The effective date for a direct service connection is when the VA received your claim or the date your entitlement arose. The VA uses your effective date to calculate retroactive VA disability payments. There’s no limit to the amount of back pay you can receive for VA disability compensation.

The effective date can be as early as the day after you were discharged from the military. However, to receive an effective date this early, you’ll need to file your claim for VA disability benefits within one year after being discharged.

Incorrect Effective Dates

Did the VA assign you the wrong effective date? If so, you may have received less back pay than what you’re actually owed. To get the VA disability compensation you deserve, call our law firm. Our VA disability attorneys keep up to date with the latest laws to fight for your rights.

How the VA Calculates Back Pay

The VA calculates back pay by using its historical compensation rate tables. These tables show how much veterans were being paid in VA disability compensation for each respective year. VA disability benefits change with the cost of living over time.

The higher your disability rating, the more back pay you’ll get from the VA. This is why it’s important to hold the VA accountable for inappropriate ratings. For example, veterans often don’t consider how secondary disabilities could impact their ratings. (A secondary disability is an illness or injury that’s caused or worsened by a service connected-disability.) Our VA disability lawyers are ready to help you file an appeal if your current rating is too low.

Has your condition worsened since filing your appeal? If so, the VA will assign a staged rating. This means the VA will calculate each year of back pay so it’s in line with how your condition worsened over time.

How Our VA Lawyers Can Help

Our VA lawyers take the time to meet with you to make sure you understand every step of the process. During your consultation, we’ll examine the finer details of your case. That way, you’re prepared for the VA appeal process up ahead.

Our veteran disability lawyers in Kalamazoo, MI are ready to help you file your appeal with the VA. To request a legal consultation, call the VA Disability Group at 1-844-VET-LAWS (838-5297).