100% State Benefits- Wyoming
Information for this document was gathered from various sources including: https://www.military.com/benefits/veteran-state-benefits/wyoming-state-veterans-benefits.html And https://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/Benefit-Library/State/Territory-Benefits/Wyoming
Visit the Wyoming Veterans Commission website for more information: https://www.wyomilitary.wyo.gov/
Veterans Homes
For more information, visit: https://www.nasvh.org/state-homes/statedir.cfm
Your eligibility for State Veterans Homes is based on clinical need and setting availability.
Each State establishes eligibility and admission criteria for its homes.
Talk with a VA social worker about the eligibility requirements of State Veterans Homes near you and to figure out a plan for paying for State Veterans Home care services.
Veterans Homes Locations:
Buffalo, Wyoming
- Applicant for admission to the Veterans’ Home of Wyoming must be a resident, with a valid Wyoming address at the time of application.
- An applicant who has resided in the state less than one year must declare intent to permanently or indefinitely reside in Wyoming,
- Applicant cannot be in transit state or indicate temporary or seasonal residency. No minimum age for veterans providing they need domiciliary care and are unable to make a living. Veterans have first priority. Veterans’ spouses, second priority. Non-veterans are admitted under special provisions.
State Veterans’ Cemeteries
For more detailed information visit: https://www.cem.va.gov/find-cemetery/state.asp?STATE=WY
National Veterans Cemeteries:
Cheyenne National Cemetery 8611 Hildreth Rd. Cheyenne, WY 82009 Burial Space: Open | Phone: 307-778-7316 |
State Veterans Cemeteries:
Oregon Trail State Veterans Cemetery 80 Veterans Road Evansville, WY 82636 VA Grant Funded: Yes | Phone: 307-235-6673 Fax: 307-235-6211 |
Many states have established state veterans cemeteries. Eligibility is like Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) national cemeteries but may include residency requirements. Even though they may have been established or improved with Government funds through VA’s Veterans Cemetery Grants Program, state veterans cemeteries are run solely by the states.
Wyoming Financial Benefits
Wyoming Income Taxes
There are no individual income taxes in Wyoming. Distributions received from the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) are not taxed.
Wyoming Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption
Visit the following website for more information: Wyoming, Veterans Property Tax Exemption Application
Wyoming County Government Directory
A $3,000 reduction in the assessed value of your home or vehicle licensing fee is available for qualifying veterans.
- Resident of the state of Wyoming for 3 consecutive years before applying.
- Active-Duty Service in any branch of service during one of the following time periods:
- World War II (Dec. 7, 1941- Dec. 31, 1946)
- Korean War (June 27, 1950- Jan. 31, 1955)
- Vietnam War (Feb. 28, 1961-May 7, 1975)
OR - Must have served overseas during an armed conflict and received an Armed Forces Expeditionary Medel or equivalent.
OR - Be a disabled veteran with a compensable service-connected disability with the VA
OR - Be the surviving spouse of a qualifying veteran who resided in Wyoming and did not remarry.
How to Apply:
- Apply at your County Assessor’s Office between January 1 st and the fourth Monday in May each year.
- Once you provide the necessary documentation to establish your initial eligibility, you can call the Assessor’s office during this time period and renew your exemption.
Applying the Exemption to Vehicles:
If the exemption is not used on property, it may be applied to a vehicle’s licensing fee. It cannot be applied to the sales tax on a vehicle.
More than one vehicle can qualify, but the total exemption cannot exceed $90. The vehicle(s) must be titled to the veteran before qualifying.
Leased vehicles do not qualify.
Consult the local assessor’s office for detailed requirements regarding these exemptions.
Find your local tax assessor at this link: https://www.publicrecords.onlinesearches.com/Assessor-and-Property-Tax-Records.htm
Specialty License Plates
Visit the following website for more information: https://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/titles_plates_registration/specialty_plates.html
The Wyoming department of transportation offers several specialty plates to veterans. They are processed by WYDOT in conjunction with the county treasurers’ offices.
Some of these plates require a county treasurer to approve them prior to submitting the application to WYDOT.
Link to: Wyoming County Treasurer Offices Directory
In addition, some of the specialty plates require an extra fee to be remitted with the application. Each plate has specific eligibility and documentation requirements.
Visit the following links to access any applications associated with receiving each plate and to learn more about the application process:
- Former POW
- Registration fees are waived for the first POW plate and there is no plate fee.
- The veteran must pay registration fees.
- Pearl Harbor Survivor
- Any person who presents documented proof that he/she is an official recipient of the United States Military Purple Heart Award may apply to the department for a Purple Heart Recipient Plate.
- There is no plate fee, but you must pay vehicle registration fees.
- Disabled Veteran
- Resident veterans with a 50% rating of higher.
- The plate is free and exempt from registration fees.
- Request through local treasurer’s office
- National Guard
- Any person who presents documentation that he/she is currently serving in an active or retired status of the Wyoming Army or Air National Guard may apply for a National Guard plate.
- There is no plate fee, must pay vehicle registration fees.
- Purple Heart Recipient
- Resident veterans that can provide proofs of receipt of a Purple Heart
- No Fees are associated with this plate.
- Request through local treasurer’s office.
- Veteran Plates
- Provide a copy of DD214
- $50 fee
- Gold Star Plates
- Resident family members: Surviving spouse, Grandparent, child, Parent, Sibling
- Free Plate
- Must provide proof of relationship and official death certificate.
- Choice Disabled Veteran Plates
NOTE: A new plate design is planned for release in 2025. The current plates will only be valid until your plates expire in 2025. At that time, you will have to reapply for the new plate design and pay the associated fees again.
Military Assistance Trust Fund
Visit the following website for more information: https://www.wyomilitary.wyo.gov/resources/state/state-benefits/
The Wyoming Military Assistance Trust Fund provides conditional emergency assistance to qualified military members and dependents. The plan is established to provide emergency assistance during periods of financial hardship resulting from the military member’s active-duty status and to members of the Wyoming National Guard to support dependent care expenses incurred during drill periods.
- Service member serving in the Wyoming National Guard, or a U.S. Armed Forces Reserve unit based in Wyoming and has been called to state or federal active-duty
- Wyoming resident Service member serving in a reserve component unit that is not based in Wyoming and is called to state or federal active-duty
- Wyoming resident Service member serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces
- Immediate Family members of eligible Service members
The Military Assistance Trust Fund also provides reimbursement for dependent care expenses during drill periods for Wyoming National Guard Service members in pay grades O-1, O2 and E-1 through E-6.
Applicants should mail or hand deliver their completed application and any required documentation to:
Wyoming Military Department
Soldier and Family Support
5410 Bishop Boulevard
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Visit the following link for the application: https://www.wyomilitary.wyo.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Trust-Fund-Application-03-08-2023.pdf
Wyoming Veteran Employment Benefits
Workforce Wyoming Services for Veterans
Visit the following website for more information: https://dws.wyo.gov/dws-division/workforce-center-program-operations/programs/veterans-program/
The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services Employment & Training Workforce Centers offer employment and training services to Veterans from all services on a Priority of Service basis.
All local Wagner-Peyser and Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Workforce Center staff provide career guidance, job search, resume writing, skills assessments, labor market information, supportive services and training support to all eligible Veterans.
To register online, go to HireWYO.
Veterans or eligible spouses who qualify for Priority of Service receive precedence to general services, open position notification and referrals to training.
Wyoming Veterans Preference for State Jobs
Visit the following website to search for jobs: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/wyoming
The Wyoming Veterans Hiring Preference in State Employment offers advantages to eligible Veterans and their Surviving Spouses when applying for state positions. Here are the key points:
- Advantages in Numerical Scoring System:
- Veterans and Surviving Spouses: 5% advantage
- Disabled Veterans: 10% advantage
- Advantages without Numerical Scoring System:
- Veterans or Surviving Spouses must receive an advantage equivalent to the numerical scoring system.
- Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be a resident of Wyoming for one year before applying.
- Must be a Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces with an honorable discharge.
- Veterans with a service-connected disability of 10% or more qualify for the 10% advantage.
- Surviving Spouses receiving federal survivor benefits and were married to a Veteran at the time of their death are eligible.
- Preference for New Hires: This preference is only available for new hires.
Wyoming Education Benefits
Wyoming offers a variety of Educational Benefits to resident veterans and their dependents.
State Educational Benefits can be used in conjunction with the National Educational Benefits (DEA)
Free Tuition for War Veterans and Surviving Dependents
For more information contact the VA certifying official at the institution or visit: https://communitycolleges.wy.edu/veteran-tuition-benefit
Wyoming provides free tuition for up to a total of 8 semesters of study within an 8-year period at Wyoming community colleges or the University of Wyoming.
Surviving spouses and dependent children are also eligible for this benefit if the military member died in combat. This program is administered by the Community College Commission.
- Veterans:
- Must have been a resident of Wyoming for at least one year prior to entering into active-duty service.
- Must have received an honorable discharge and were awarded the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal or other authorized service or campaign medal
indicating they served during any armed conflict in a foreign country.
- The Surviving Spouse or Child of a Service Member:
- Eligible if the Service member died while serving on active duty.
- Children are eligible if they are under 22 years of age when their Service member parent died.
National Guard Tuition Assistance for Surviving Dependents
Wyoming will pay the matriculation fees and tuition at a university, community college, or vocational training institution in Wyoming for the Children and Spouse of a Wyoming National Guard Service member who dies or is permanently and total disabled while serving on state active duty or authorized training.
For more information students should contact the admissions office at the educational institution they plan to attend.
Wyoming Veteran Recreation Benefits
Wyoming offers several Hunting and Fishing licensing benefits to veterans. Visit the following link to learn more about the programs they offer: https://wgfd.wyo.gov/licenses-applications/licensing-veterans
Hunter Safety Class
Any active-duty member or honorably discharged veteran is exempt from the firearms safety portion of the licensing procedure.
Disabled Veteran Fishing License
Wyoming resident veterans with at least a 50% disability can get a lifetime fishing license for free.
Disabled Veteran Hunting License
For further information please call the Telephone Information Center at 307-777-4600.
Wyoming resident veterans with 100% disability can get a lifetime game bird, small game, and fishing license for free.
- Resident of Wyoming
- Honorable Discharge
- 100% service-connected disability with the VA
How to Apply:
- Complete the application form
- Provide proof of residency
- Provide proof of VA rating
- Licenses are issued only at headquarters in Cheyenne or at Wyoming Game and Fish Department Regional Offices located in Jackson, Pinedale, Cody, Sheridan, Green River, Laramie, Lande, or Casper.
OR - applications can be mailed to any of the regional offices or the headquarters office.
Active-Duty Hunting and Fishing Licenses
Any Wyoming resident deployed to a combat zone on active duty and is home on leave can get a free resident general elk, resident general deer, resident game bird/small game and resident daily fishing license.
Any active-duty member stationed in Wyoming for at least 90 days can get hunting and fishing licenses at the resident price.
Special Limited Fishing Permit for Hospitalized Veterans
A free license can be issued by any VA Hospital within Wyoming, Wyoming Department of Health or Wyoming Department of Family Services. Veteran must fish under the direct control of the institution.
Pioneer Veteran Bird, Small Game, and Fishing License
Any Wyoming veteran who is 65 or older and has lived in Wyoming for 30 or more continuous years can receive a Pioneer bird, small game, and fishing license for free.
Free Wyoming Parks Pass
Visit the following website for more information and to access the application: https://wyoparks.wyo.gov/index.php/permits-reservations/permits-fees
Lifetime Veteran’s Permits are provided free-of-charge to Wyoming veterans who are 50% or more service-connected disabled. The permit allows the holder and all occupants of the holder’s vehicle to enjoy free entrance to state historic sites and free day use and camping at all Wyoming state parks, archaeological and recreation areas. The permit is valid so long as the holder maintains residency.
Online Application Process:
To apply online, visit https://reserve.wyoming.gov/web/.
You will need to upload the following documents:
- Proof of Wyoming residency (copy of Wyoming driver license or utility bill)
- Proof of 50% or more service-connected disability (letter from VA verifying level of disability)
In-Person, Email, or Mail Process:
To qualify for the Lifetime Veteran’s Permit, the application must include:
- Completed application form (this form)
- Proof of Wyoming residency (copy of Wyoming driver license or utility bill)
- Proof of 50% or more service-connected disability (letter from VA verifying level of disability)
Completed application and documentation should be emailed to wyoparks@wyo.gov or mailed to:
Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites and Trails
Attn: Lifetime Veteran’s Permit Program
2301 Central Ave., 4th Floor
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Additional Benefits
Highly Rural Transportation Program (HRTP)
The Wyoming Veterans Commission received a HRTP Grant to assist eligible veterans in the following Wyoming counties: Carbon, Sweetwater, Lincoln, Sublette, Teton and Park Counties. The HRTP focuses on improving access for veterans by providing innovative transportation services in highly rural areas who have difficulty obtaining VA health care due to their location. The Grant Program offers transportation solutions to eligible veterans to and from VAHCS, VAHCS Network Providers or VA Community Care facilities.
Individuals needing assistance with transportation in these areas should contact the HRTP Coordinator 307-275-6723.
Legal Aid of Wyoming
For more information, call 877-432-9955 or visit http://www.lawyoming.org/
(LAW) is a statewide nonprofit organization that provides high quality civil legal services to eligible individuals. LAW conducts law nights for veterans so they are not left alone trying to figure out how to manage a civil law issue.