100% State Benefits- South Dakota
Information for this document was gathered from various sources including: https://www.military.com/benefits/veteran-state-benefits/south-dakota-state-veterans-benefits.html
Visit the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs website for more detailed information: https://vetaffairs.sd.gov/
Veterans Homes
For more information, visit: https://www.nasvh.org/state-homes/statedir.cfm
Your eligibility for State Veterans Homes is based on clinical need and setting availability.
Each State establishes eligibility and admission criteria for its homes.
Talk with a VA social worker about the eligibility requirements of State Veterans Homes near you and to figure out a plan for paying for State Veterans Home care services.
Veterans Homes Locations:
Hot Springs, South Dakota
- Honorable Discharge
- Maintained a residence in the state at any time in the five years preceding the date of application.
- no income more than one thousand dollars per year above the maximum income limitation for pension benefits as determined by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
Spouses and surviving spouses of an eligible veteran may also be eligible for admission.
In the case of a married couple, the spouse of the veteran must be admitted with the veteran, unless the veteran is institutionalized. Costs are based on income.
State Veterans Cemeteries
For more detailed information visit: https://www.cem.va.gov/find-cemetery/state.asp?STATE=SD
National Veterans’ Cemeteries:
Black Hills National Cemetery 20901 Pleasant Valley Drive Sturgis, SD 57785 Burial Space: Open | Phone: 605-347-3830 FAX: 605-347-0269 |
Fort Meade National Cemetery Old Stone Rd. Sturgis, SD 57785 Burial Space: Closed | Phone: 605-347-3830 FAX: 605-347-0269 |
Hot Springs National Cemetery Cemetery Access Road Hot Springs, SD 57747 Burial Space: Closed | Phone: 605-347-3830 FAX: 605-347-0269 |
State Veterans Cemeteries:
South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs 1600 W. Russell Street Suite 406 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 VA Grant Funded: N/A | Phone: 605-360-4173 Aaron Pollard, Deputy Secretary |
South Dakota Veterans Cemetery 25965 477th Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 VA Grant Funded: Yes | Phone: 605-277-8094 Erin Brown, Director Brian Voges, Representative |
Akicita Owicahe Lakota Freedom Veterans Cemetery 202-35 BIA 2 Kyle, SD 57752 VA Grant Funded: Yes | Phone: 605-455-1497 |
Sicangu Akicita Owicahe Veterans Cemetery 27404 U.S. Highway 83 White River, SD 57579 VA Grant Funded: Yes | Phone: 606-747-2593 |
Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Veterans Cemetery 453851 BIA 10 Sisseton, SD 57262 VA Grant Funded: Yes | Phone: 605-698-3388 Gabe Fischer, Cemetery Director Geri Opsal, Veterans Service Office, Tribal Veterans Service Officer |
Many states have established state veterans cemeteries. Eligibility is like Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) national cemeteries but may include residency requirements. Even though they may have been established or improved with Government funds through VA’s Veterans Cemetery Grants Program, state veterans cemeteries are run solely by the states.
South Dakota Veteran Financial Benefits
Property Tax Exemption for Paraplegic Veterans
Visit the following website for more information: https://dor.sd.gov/individuals/taxes/property-tax/relief-programs/
This program exempts the property from all property taxes. Learn more about the program in the Property Tax Exemption for Paraplegic Veterans Brochure (PDF).
Eligibility Requirements:
- The property must be owned by a paraplegic veteran, a veteran with loss or loss of use of both lower extremities, or by the un-remarried widow/widower of such veteran.
- The property must be specifically designed for wheelchair use within the structure.
To Apply:
Applications are available online or at any county courthouse beginning in January of each year and must be submitted annually to your local county assessor’s office on or before November 1st.
Find your local tax assessor at this link: https://www.publicrecords.onlinesearches.com/Assessor-and-Property-Tax-Records.htm
Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans
Visit the following website for more information: https://dor.sd.gov/individuals/taxes/property-tax/relief-programs/
This program exempts up to $150,000 of the assessed value for qualifying property. (The property subject to this exemption is the same property eligible for the owner-occupied classification.) Learn more about this program in the Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption Brochure (PDF).
Eligibility Requirements:
- The property must be owned and occupied by a disabled veteran or an un-remarried surviving spouse.
- The veteran must be rated as permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability.
To Apply:
Applications are available at the county courthouse or from the Property Tax Division and must be submitted to your local county assessor’s office on or before November 1st.
NOTE: Once approved for the exemption, no further applications are needed. The property will continue to receive the $150,000 exemption until the property is sold or there is a change in use.
South Dakota Veterans Bonus
Visit the following website for more information: https://vetaffairs.sd.gov/benefits/State/Veterans%20Bonus.aspx
South Dakota offers a bonus of up to $500 for current or former military members who were legal residents of the state for no less than six months immediately preceding their period of active duty and who meet certain criteria during one or more of the following periods:
- Aug. 2, 1990, to Mar. 3, 1991 – All active service counts for payment.
- Mar. 4, 1991, to Dec. 31, 1992 – Only service in a hostile area qualifying for the Southwest Asia Service Medal counts for payment.
- Jan. 1, 1993, to Sep. 10, 2001 – Only service in a hostile area qualifying for campaign or service medals counts for payment.
- Sep. 11, 2001, to a date to be determined (OIF/OEF) – All active service counts for payment.
Veterans with qualifying service from August 2, 1990, to December 31, 1992, (Desert Storm) may receive one bonus of up to $500.
Veterans with qualifying service after January 1, 1993, may receive another bonus of up to $500.
NOTE: Active Duty for training is not allowed for Bonus purposes.
To Apply:
Complete the application form and submit along with a copy of your DD214 or Active Duty orders AND a VA Award letter such as a Summary of Benefits letter
South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs
ATTN: Bonus Program
425 East Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501-3100
PH: 605-773-3269
South Dakota Veterans Employment Preference
For more information, visit the following website: https://vetaffairs.sd.gov/benefits/State/Veterans%20Preference.aspx
Veterans get employment preference for all state, county, local and school district jobs. If you have at least the minimum qualifications for the job, you will get an interview.
You may not be disqualified by your age, by loss of a limb or by any other physical impairment which is not incapacitating. However, you must possess the qualifications necessary to do the job in question.
A veteran disabled due to a service-connected cause is given preference over a non-disabled veteran.
The unmarried surviving spouse of a veteran who died in service, or died from a service-connected cause, is entitled to the same preference as an eligible veteran provided the spouse has the necessary skills and qualifications for the job.
If a disabled eligible veteran is unable to use their veteran’s preference due to disability, the spouse may use it.
How to Apply:
Standard Form (SF) 15 must be completed and submitted with supporting documentation. If you have questions, complaints, or concerns regarding preference in federal employment, contact the South Dakota State Director of Veterans Employment and Training (DVET) at 605.626.2325.
South Dakota Veteran Education Benefits
South Dakota offers a wide variety of Educational Benefits to resident veterans and their dependents.
State Educational Benefits can be used in conjunction with the National Educational Benefits (DEA)
Visit the following link for a full list: https://vetaffairs.sd.gov/benefits/State/education.aspx
Free Tuition for Veterans
Honorably discharged South Dakota residents who served after Aug. 1, 1990, and received a campaign, expeditionary, or service medal for combat operations are eligible for free tuition at
state colleges.
You must not be eligible for GI Bill or other federal education benefits. You get one month of free tuition for each month of qualifying service, with a minimum of one, up to a maximum of four, academic years.
Certain veterans are eligible to take undergraduate courses at a state supported university or technical college without the payment of tuition provided they are not eligible for educational payments under the GI Bill or any other federal educational program.
To qualify the veteran must:
- Have been discharged under Honorable conditions.
- Be a current resident of South Dakota and qualify for in-state tuition.
- Must meet one of the definitions of a “veteran” that follow:
- Served on active duty at any time between August 2, 1990, and a date to be determined.
- Received an Armed Forces Expeditionary medal or other United States campaign or service medal for participation in combat operations against hostile forces outside the boundaries of the United States, OR
- Has a service-connected disability rated 10%, or more.
How to Apply:
The application for Free Tuition is available at the schools’ financial aid, veterans representative or registrars offices or, they can be downloaded by tapping forms.
The completed application, along with a copy of the veteran’s DD-214 must be submitted to Shane Olivier at the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs, 425 E. Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501.
Free Tuition for Children of Veterans Who Died on Duty
Certain North Dakota resident dependent children are eligible for free tuition at a state-supported school.
The child must be:
- Under 25 years of age
- North Dakota resident
The parent must have been:
- Killed in action, OR
- Died of other causes while on active duty, AND
- Was a North Dakota resident for at least six months immediately preceding entry into active duty.
The application for free tuition is available at the schools’ financial aids, veterans representative or registrars offices or, they can be downloaded by tapping forms.
Free Tuition for Dependents of POW’s and MIA’s
Children and spouses of prisoners of war, or of persons listed as missing in action, are entitled to attend a state supported school without the payment of tuition or mandatory fees provided they are not eligible for equal or greater federal benefits.
The application for free tuition is available at the schools’ financial aids, veterans representative or registrars offices or, they can be obtained from the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs or by clicking here.
Reduced Tuition for South Dakota National Guard
Guard members, who meet the requirements for admission, are eligible for a one-hundred percent (100%) reduction in tuition charges at one of the following in state programs:
- Any state supported university for undergraduate programs up to 128 credits and graduate programs up to 32 credits.
OR, - A program of study, approved by the state Board of Education, at any state vocational college.
The receipt of federal educational benefits does not affect eligibility for this program.
Eligibility: To qualify the guard member must:
- Be a member of the SD Army or Air Guard throughout each semester or vocational program for which he or she applies for benefits.
- Have completed required active duty for training.
- Attend 90% of drills and training periods and maintain a satisfactory academic grade level.
- Provide proper notice to the institution at time of registration for the term in which benefits are sought.
- Federal tuition assistance benefit must be used before state tuition assistance.
Free Tuition for Dependents of National Guard Members
SDCL provides free tuition to the children or spouse of a National Guard member disabled or killed in line of duty.
The Dependent Child must be:
- Under the age of 25
- South Dakota Resident
The Dependent Spouse must be:
- South Dakota Resident
The Veteran must:
- Have died,
OR - Sustained a total disability, permanent in nature,
- Because of duty as a member of the South Dakota National Guard, while on state or federal active duty or any authorized training duty.
Eligible dependents are entitled to free tuition and are entitled to attend any course or courses of study in any state supported university or technical college.
The application form is available at the schools’ financial aids, veterans representative or registrars offices or, they can be obtained from the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs or by clicking here
Honorary High School Diploma
Honorary high school diplomas can be provided for veterans who served during certain wartime periods.
Eligible veterans include anyone who served on active duty at any time during the periods:
- December 7, 1941, to September 2, 1945
- June 25, 1950, to July 31, 1953, or
- February 28, 1961, to May 7, 1975.
As stated in the law, the school district selected by the veteran shall award the diploma to the veteran.
South Dakota State Recreation Benefits
Disabled Veteran Hunting and Fishing Licenses
South Dakota resident veterans who are entitled to VA Special Monthly Compensation, are former POWs, get Social Security Disability, or get at least 40% VA disability get a four-year hunting and fishing license for a small administrative fee.
Application and verification papers, along with the $10.00 fee, must be submitted to:
South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks
ATTN: Disability License
20641 SD Hwy 1806
Ft. Pierre, SD 57532
To complete the application visit https://gfp.sd.gov/vet-pow-hunting// .
Upon completion of this form and verification of eligibility, South Dakota residents will receive a Reduced Fee Hunting & Fishing License. This license (card) will be a replacement for the resident small game license and resident fishing license. The license is valid for a four-year period.
Active-Duty Hunting and Fishing License
South Dakota residents on active duty outside the state and home on leave can hunt and fish without a license. Migratory bird stamps must still be purchased.
Special Provisions for Handicapped Hunters
Individuals who are missing an upper limb, or are physically incapable of using an upper limb, or who are confined to a wheelchair may use a crossbow to take game birds and animals once they have obtained a disabled hunter permit.
A legally blind or quadriplegic, legally licensed individual who possesses a disabled hunter permit and who is physically present and participating in the hunt may claim game birds and animals taken by a designated hunter in accordance with the license or licenses possessed by the handicapped hunter.
Applications are obtained from the Game, Fish and Parks office in Pierre or from a game warden.
Click here for more information
State Park Admission
Certain resident veterans may obtain free admission to any South Dakota state park and are eligible for a fifty percent discount on any camping fee or associated electrical fee.
To qualify the veteran must:
- Be totally disabled from service-connected disabilities or,
- Be in receipt of the VA SMC level K, OR
- Have been held as a Prisoner of War.
Application forms may be obtained from the local park manager or through the Game, Fish and Parks office in Pierre.
Click on the links below for more information:
Accessibility Permits Click on state park entrance license
Disabled Veteran and Prisoner of War Lifetime State Park Entrance License Information
Disabled Veterans and Prisoner of War Lifetime State Park Entrance and License Application
Additional Benefits
Burial Allowance for Veterans, Wives or Widowers
A payment of up to $100 may be paid by the state to help defray the burial and funeral expenses of any honorably discharged veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran when the estate, or immediate family of the deceased is lacking in funds to pay the expenses.
The surviving spouse, or relatives, must furnish an affidavit to the C/TVSO that sufficient funds are not available for payment of the expenses.
Application for the Burial Allowance must be submitted by the county or tribal veterans service officer to the Pierre office within one year from the date of the burial.
Headstone Setting Reimbursement
The state will pay $200 towards the cost of setting a government headstone or marker at the grave of a veteran who was a resident of this state for one-year preceding entrance into the military service or one-year preceding death.
The state will pay $100 for the professional etching of the veteran’s military information on the back of a privately purchased headstone. The etching on the private stone must include the name, rank, branch of service, and dates of birth and death of the veteran.
Application for the Headstone Setting Reimbursement must be submitted by a county or tribal veterans service officer to the Pierre Office within one year from the date of setting of the headstone or marker.
Veterans Records
South Dakota counties may not charge for certified copies of birth, death, marriage, adoption, divorce, guardianship, or conservatorship papers when such records are required in support of a claim against any agency of the federal or state government by, or on behalf of, a servicemember or veteran, or the spouse, surviving spouse or dependents of a servicemember or veteran.